One of my favourite things to do is listen to audio books. I listen to audio books while I’m working on my ceramics, while I’m cleaning, driving… really any spare second I will press play on one of the 3 - 6 audio books I have on the go.
One of the many beautiful Banff sunsets
Brené Brown has been an amazing resource for me and I have now completed all of her books. With her help I have identified my core values (among many, many other self-help things):
I have mindfully placed these core values throughout my website where I hope that the values will guide you to know my intentions. Those of you who know me, may think of many times in my past where I did not act within these values, and I recognize that, and moving forward I may slip up sometimes, and from now on with all my heart I choose to live in the present (Eckhart Tolle) with these values guiding me.
Yarn bowl, 2019. Because knitting is another activity that goes well with listening to audio books
Recently I finished the audiobook “Building a Brand Story” by Donald Miller and have applied some of his suggestions to this site. Lol, here is my interpretation: The “Character” to my story is you. And I know you, you are a true character, my favourite kind of character, a one-of-a-kind character and I love you for it. But you have a problem. Say what!? That’s right. You don’t even know you have this problem unless you already have enjoyed handmade ceramic ware. That feeling of your delicious, homemade food on a beautiful, homemade plate. The satisfaction you get with each sip of your favourite beverage from your favourite handmade cup. I have empathy for this character. I too have ate off of Ikea dishes. I remember it, the manufactured feeling… it matched my bland, processed chicken strips. And left me feeling like a basic, capitalistic consumer. I have a plan for you:
Buy my handmade ceramics (Support a local artist you know and love)
Take a ceramics class (I teach at artsPlace!)
Go to a thrift store and repurpose some lovely pieces (I once found a Robin Hopper, legend in the Canmore Thrift store)
Support your friends that are artists
My call to action is for you to check out my website and buy a piece. SHOP NOW
By doing this, you don’t have to visualize yourself holding that perfect, handmade ceramic mug while you drink your favourite beverage. You WILL be holding YOUR perfect, handmade ceramic mug while drinking YOUR favourite beverage.
All my love to you.
Detail of mug, 2020.